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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Procrastination is Key

Okay, so I'm supposed to be writing to release some stress in my life, but I haven't really written much over the past week since I started this little venture.  So much for stress relief! 

I have been signing in and looking at my blog, Calm Creation, but I've been procrastinating when it comes to actually writing anything, so I decided to create this blog to work through my blogging block. 

I used to practice free-writing to get "warmed up" and get the writing juices flowing, so here it goes...let's start with 2 minutes of (not entirely free) free-writing.

I don't own anything pink...just not my colour.  Though I do like pink and pink flowers are okay, but clothes or household items, wall paint, etc. definitely not.

Is procrastination part of the writing process?  Can it help in some way?  What if my procrastination is just actually all my creativity building up to the point where it has to be let out?  That could be a "process", couldn't it? 

I think writing isn't relieving my stress as I had hoped.  Maybe I just need a bit more time to make it more routine...speaking of time -- it's up already.  I didn't get much written down in 2 minutes (thinking too much).  Wonder if this little exercise helped with my blogging blues...

'til next time,

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